Farmers and Ranchers' Launch Radio Campaign Against EATS Act in Rep. Derrick Van Orden's District

Listeners Informed of How EATS Act Puts Foreign Corporations over American Farmers

LACROSSE, WISCONSIN – This week the Organization for Competitive Markets (OCM) and Competitive Markets Action (CMA) have launched a radio campaign in 3rd Congressional District, a seat currently held by Rep. Derrick Van Orden, focusing on the disastrous impact that the Ending Agriculture Trade Suppression (EATS) Act, led by Rep. Ashley Hinson, R-Iowa, could have on local farmers and ranchers.

The radio spot raises awareness about how the EATS Act jeopardizes the ability of family farmers to work with their state elected officials, undermining their control over vital farm rules. If the EATS Act becomes a part of the Farm Bill, it would nullify hard-fought state laws and grant foreign corporations unchecked access to our agricultural lands.

Foreign corporations have a vested interest in eradicating state laws on agriculture, allowing them to dominate the US market at the expense of American farmers. By enabling this, the EATS Act undermines the principles of local control and limited government, threatening the unique needs and challenges of our communities.

Ad Transcript Example: 

"Did you know politicians in Washington, DC want to take away Wisconsin control over farm rules? They want decisions made by them, not us. And guess who benefits? Companies like Chinese-owned Smithfield, controlling much of our pork operations.

If the EATS Act passes, state laws protecting our farms, markets, and jobs vanish. Foreign corporations take over our land, dictating our practices. Wisconsin farmers become mere workers and customers.

We can fight back! Call Rep. Derrick Van Orden at (202) 225-5506. Urge him to protect Wisconsin farmers from the EATS Act.

Preserve Wisconsin control over farm rules. Support our farmers. Vote no on any Farm Bill that contains the EATS Act.

Paid for by Competitive Markets Action."

Click here to listen to the radio spot

 Key Quotes / Issue Background

“OCM is ready, willing, and able to roll up our sleeves and dig in to help prevent the EATS Act from being enacted in the upcoming Farm Bill,” said Taylor Haynes, president of OCM. “American family farmers will not stand for this attack on states’ rights that could land our farms under the control of the Chinese Government.

“The sponsors of the EATS Act are carrying a lot of water for China and Brazil to help them fully own livestock production in the United States within our lifetimes,” said Marty Irby, president at CMA and board secretary at OCM. “We’d rather have no farm bill than a farm bill with the EATS Act included, and we urge all Members to avoid attaching their name to Steve King’s legacy.”  

“The EATS Act is nothing but a Trojan Horse designed to put family farmers out of business and give multinational conglomerates like JBS and Chinese-owned Smithfield an even greater advantage than they already have.” said Mike Schultz, senior vice-president at OCM and founder of the Kansas Cattlemen’s Association. “It’s a crying shame to see my Senator Roger Marshall leading this assault on producers and states’ rights.” 

 “If the King Amendment or EATS act or anything like it is added to the farm bill it will be devastating for dairy producers like me across America,” said Deborah Mills, chair of the National Dairy Producers Organization and a board member at OCM.

 “We must prevent the EATS Act from being included in the upcoming Farm Bill and exhaust every resource available to keep this poison pill from becoming law,” said Jonathan Buttram, the president of the Alabama Contract Poultry Growers Association and OCM board Treasurer. “U.S. House and Senate Agriculture Committee leaders Debbie Stabenow, Glenn Thompson, John Boozman, and David Scott should reject this egregious attack against state agriculture laws.”

Chinese and Brazilian agribusiness giants want to strip away protections for rural communities. The EATS Act erases all safeguards nationwide. This will harm American farmers and ranchers, pitting them against foreign industrial operations. We must stand against this devastating blow to our multigenerational farming legacy.

The Organization for Competitive Markets (OCM) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit based in Lincoln, Nebraska. The foundation of the Organization for Competitive Markets is to fight for competitive markets in agriculture for farmers, ranchers, and rural communities. True competition reduces the need for economic regulation. Our mission, and our duty, is to define and advocate the proper role of government in the agricultural economy as a regulator and enforcer of rules necessary for markets that are fair, honest, accessible, and competitive for all citizens.

Competitive Markets Action (CMA) is a 501(c)(4) non-profit based in Washington, D.C. that was formed with the mission of advancing policy to promote more regenerative and sustainable agriculture, and competitive markets in the U.S., and to defend against attacks on states’ rights by the federal government. CMA works to raise awareness of the harm caused to the farmer, the consumer, and our U.S. economy as a whole in an effort to bring about legislative and regulatory reforms.


Farmers and Ranchers Storm Capitol Hill in Fierce Opposition to Marshall-Hinson EATS Act


Competitive Market Groups Ramp Up Ad Campaign Against EATS Act in The Daily Caller and Politico